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Small Unit Tactics in Rural Areas. “Move like one. Move like none.”
MAST Solutions’ Direct Action course is designed to train law enforcement personnel in small unit operations in high threat rural environments. The SUTRA curriculum encompasses specific knowledge as it relates to small unit tactical operations.
The curriculum is divided into two parts: a common core of individual skills, and a team level tactical integration. Your specific training package will be determined after an initial interview with a MAST representative, to allow us to customize the course to your requirements.
Practical Exercise/Live Fire
The training will conclude with a practical exercise based around your unit’s missions and responsibilities. The exercise will include a live fire course.
Night Ops
Night operations are the preferred method for surveillance work. Based on the standard individual and team tactics will be adapted to low light situations. Subject matter includes formations, navigation, stealth movement, LUP (laying up positions and patrol bases), communications, and reconnaissance/surveillance.
DUNS: 826366697 | CAGE CODE: 53OC3