When it comes to “kitting up” people tend to feel overwhelmed, go overboard, or feel intimidated.  Gear = Tools.  Not all tools work for you, or for the task at hand.

The series I classes will require items such as a pen and note pad, water and other comfort items along with the firearm and mags that accompany the course. As you navigate at your own speed through a learning cycle, such things as sling choices, mag pouches, belts and chest rigs are generally brought up. There are so many variants to an otherwise simple design, that the choices inside the underbelly of the internet can make things confusing and quite expensive if you have to buy over-and-again. Therefore seeking out options while you grow with your training and for the relevant environment is highly recommended. Classes are literally chock full of “kit” and reasons surrounding the choices so just listening to other students will put you light years ahead when it comes to the pocket book and the buy once mentality.