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Handgun Fundamentals, Handgun Operator, Handgun Op II, and Advanced Handgun Operator, Low-light and Shoothouse.
Carbine I, Carbine Operator, Carbine Op II, Advanced Car Op, Low-light and Shoothouse.
Knowing how to safely use, maintain, load, unload and pattern a shotgun for hunting or self defense. Knowing the operation of a shotgun, limitations and advantages are covered in this dynamic course.
Intro to long range shooting. Bring and study with any DI 5.56 (iron sights or Optics), a bolt gun with glass, or a hunting rifle of any sort.
Learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of marksmanship and perform manipulation techniques on low-light conditions.
This curriculum is meant for couples, partners, families and friends. Learn to operate as a “team“ from a vehicle, house, or office. “Shoot, Move, Communicate”.
Designed to train law enforcement personnel in small unit operations in high threat rural environments.
This course will provide the motivation and skill sets needed to render aid to an injured individual, whether it be in a hostile or a non-hostile environment.
Advanced handgun course is designed to train law enforcement personnel, security teams (individuals) and select qualified US citizens, in advanced handgun operations in high threat urban environments (UD1).
Knowing how to safely draw from concealment and shoot accurately is VITAL. Knowing your weapon and how to manipulate the safety, use the sights, work the trigger, and load and safely unload should be mandatory.
The goal of this course is to have students learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of carbine marksmanship and perform manipulation techniques.
Introduction to long range shooting. The student can bring and study with any DI 5.56 (iron sights or Optics), a bolt gun with glass, or a hunting rifle of any sort.
This curriculum is meant for couples, partners, families, and friends. Learn to operate as a “team” from a vehicle, house, or office. “Shoot, move, communicate.”
Learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of marksmanship and perform manipulation techniques in lowlight conditions.
Learn and demonstrate advanced skills for weapons handling in Urban environments.
Designed to train law enforcement personnel in small unit operations in high threat rural environments.
This course will provide the motivation and skillsets needed to render aid to an injured individual, whether it be in a hostile or a non-hostile environment.
MAST Solutions has trained and taught boy-scouts, kids camps, ladies only classes, private leadership events for corporate executives, fire departments, PD’s, U.S. military and cleared US citizens since 2004.
MAST Solutions honors a 100% money back guarantee. If you come to a series of instruction and feel that you didn’t learn anything, or perhaps you’re short on rent…let us know, and the class is on us. Guaranteed.
Our series of classes begins with syllabus I, and it (loosely) follows the progression as outlined below.
level I. 70% is hands on lecture with demonstration and student participation. 100% of level I is accuracy driven and building solid fundamentals. The student will leave this series with 25-30% of the skills as homework prior to attending a series II course. Drills are a large part of this series. Students will be given drills and rudiments to work through.
Level II is 70% pushing fail points of the fundamentals and added weapons manipulations. Previous skills for accuracy is added and partnered with maximizing the economy of motion. 30% will be layering new skill sets while continuing the fundamental mastery, of level I. Pushing range and balancing accuracy generally occurs here. Drills are put together and functional scenarios are explored. Students will have minimal homework, however not required to be completed to join the following series.
Level III is 50% new material layered over I and II. Completing the “scenarios” built of multiple drills, with the addition of identifying the threat. In level III understanding and being compliant with Chapter 9 of the TX Penal Code, as well as non-violent dispute resolution is exercised. Force-on-force is introduced.
Level IV is 70% new skills over level III with increased angles and added degrees of visual importance. 30% of class will add threat recognition and communication into the drill. Scenarios will begin to incorporate force on force to induce stress. Students will be asked to complete homework that is recommended for advanced courses.
Advanced; is the ability to “work” inside a faster paced environment while making decisions with 100% positive threat recognition, accuracy during engagement while under stress. To be advanced you harmonize economy of motion into mindset and movement and then couple it with solid fundamentals. This is the only way to achieve and perform well while negotiating structures with layers of communicating and complex problems in a fast paced and reactive (advanced) environment. Then we layer on being able to succinctly and effectively communicate in a team environment or as an individual in an urban setting rounding out your leadership process.
DUNS: 826366697 | CAGE CODE: 53OC3